Wednesday, September 1, 2010

“Whateva you got” Pizza

Absolutely necessary ingredients:
Bread (either pita bread or a sandwich wrap)
Tomato sauce
Cheese (any kind)
Random toppings

Fantasy ingredients:
Whole wheat sandwich wrap bread
Roasted Garlic Marinara Sauce
Kalimata olives
Baby portabella mushrooms
Fresh basil leaves
Green peppers

I’m guessing an elaborate ‘how to’ explanation is unnecessary.

Now I must admit; this is not a new idea. If we were to go back and find the historical founder of ‘Whateva you got” pizza it would probably be a desperate college student stuck inside during a snow day with no hope for a pizza delivery.
Another confession: I am not even the master of ‘whateva you got’ pizza. I think that title belongs to my crafty sister, Simone, who has given me a whole new take on pita bread.

However, I have been emboldened to write about this perhaps familiar meal because I have been eating so much of it on my new student regime. I even used turkey bacon as a topping the other day - I was a little disappointed. Hopefully by mentioning it I am jogging your memories. This will have one of two effects: 1) you will be so grateful to me for having reminded you of this long-forgotten option on those nights you don’t feel like whipping up a real meal; or 2) you will be filled with relief that you are past the ‘whateva you got’ pizza phase of life and feel infinite amounts of pity for me. Either way, I’m doing you a favor.